Classic Posts

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Suited for Change | Community Service Grants | The Rotary Foundation of Washington DC

Suited for Change

Equipping women in need on their path to financial independence by providing them with professional attire, coaching, and skills training. The Professional Readiness Program provides tailored skill-building workshops to women...
Street Sense Media | Community Service Grants | The Rotary Foundation of Washington DC

Street Sense Media

Ending homelessness in the Washington, D.C. area by empowering people in need with the skills, tools, and confidence to succeed. Street Sense Media uses a range of media platforms—including a...
Right Beginnings | Community Service Grants | The Rotary Foundation of Washington DC

Right Beginnings, Inc.

Supporting female victims of domestic violence in Washington, DC with programs and services, including emergency and transitional shelter, workforce development, and assistance in qualifying for, locating, and securing self-sustaining employment....
RISE DC | Community Service Grants | The Rotary Foundation of Washington DC


Providing high-quality educational resources to underserved youth in Washington, DC. Under their College Prep Plus program, RISE is currently supporting 25 students in the pursuit of higher education. Students, from...
Prevention of Blindness Society | Community Service Grants | The Rotary Foundation of Washington DC

Prevention of Blindness Society

Improving and preserving sight and quality of life by providing services, education, and championing healthy vision and innovation to everyone in the Greater DC area. The Prevention of Blindness Society...