Dumbarton Concerts/Inner-City, Inner-Child

Home|Community Service Grants|Dumbarton Concerts/Inner-City, Inner-Child
Dubarton Concerts | Community Service Grants | The Rotary Foundation of Washington DC

Improving the quality of early childhood education for children from birth to age five who live in DC’s most economically disadvantaged communities. It inspires a love of books and learning through arts-based literacy programs.


Funding Request For:

Dumbarton Arts’ Inspired Child program will provide classroom residencies with master teaching artists to early learners in Title 1 schools and community-based child development centers. During the multi-week residencies, master teaching artists will use music, movement, and visual arts to help books come alive for children from birth to age five. With the support of the Rotary Foundation of Washington, DC, every child in the program will receive a backpack full of those beloved books to take home and enjoy with their families. This program has been shown to advance students cognitive, social emotional and physical development, and it fosters their love of books and learning.

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