Building a Better Community
Through Local Giving

The Rotary Foundation of Washington DC has served the local DC metro area communities since 1922. This year the Foundation celebrates it 101st year of dedicated support to local and international organizations engaged in a wide range of community development and charitable activities.

Community Service grants - Rotary Foundation Projects DC | Rotary Club Foundation of DC

Community Service Grants

Community Service Grants are at the core of our mission. These grants range from $1,000 to $5,000 per organization, focusing on essential capital needs or seeding special services that produce direct, tangible benefits primarily within the District of Columbia. Crucially, the DC Rotary Foundation has the expertise to identify small or focused initiatives that might otherwise go unnoticed, but hold the potential to transform lives. That means your donation is invested where it can yield maximum social return.

Community Service grants - Rotary Foundation Projects DC | Rotary Club Foundation of DC
Foundation Special Grants | Rotary Global Projects DC | Rotary Club Foundation of DC

Foundation Special Grants

When a promising project shows potential for creating a meaningful wave of change, we step in to boost its pace. Offering substantial grants of up to $20,000, we support larger, sustainable, and high-impact initiatives. These projects provide Rotary members with opportunities for volunteerism, fuel local development, and raise the profile of both the organization and Rotary in the DC community.

Rotary Global Grants DC | Rotary Club Foundation of DC

Rotary Global Grants

The worldwide Rotary Foundation oversees Global Grants, which fund large-scale international humanitarian projects, scholarships for graduate-level academic programs, or vocational training teams. The minimum budget for a global grant is $30,000, while the maximum is $400,000. Global grants pool resources from multiple Rotary clubs and individual members, and the Rotary Foundation of Washington, DC contributes to these collaborative projects. Your contribution taps into our global network of change agents -- giving your generosity a platform that transcends geographical and organizational boundaries.

Rotary Global Grants DC | Rotary Club Foundation of DC
International Service Grants DC | Rotary Club Foundation of DC

International Small Grants

In addition to contributions to Global Grants, the DC Rotary Foundation also directly funds humanitarian projects with a budget of $100 to $5,000. To implement these funds, the DC Rotary Foundation works in partnership with host country Rotary clubs located close to the communities being served. Leveraging our extensive volunteer network and longstanding partnerships guarantees every dollar you give us stretches further, together.

Discover How to give back


Will Bequests

Designate a portion of your estate to support our mission, empowering our community work.

Non-Cash Donations

Donate real estate or other assets
for tax benefits while advancing
our causes.

Beneficiary Designation

Support our work by naming us in retirement plans, insurance policies,
and annuities.

IRA Contributions

If you're 70.5 or older, donate up to $100,000 yearly from your IRA to
aid our efforts.

Take the first step in leaving a meaningful legacy today. Contact us at to learn how you can make a lasting difference through legacy giving with the Rotary Foundation of DC.

Discover How to give back



Designate a portion of your estate to support our mission, empowering our community work.


Donate real estate or other assets
for tax benefits while advancing
our causes.


Support our work by naming us in retirement plans, insurance policies,
and annuities.


If you're 70.5 or older, donate up to $100,000 yearly from your IRA to
aid our efforts.

Take the first step in leaving a meaningful legacy today. Contact us at to learn how you can make a lasting difference through legacy giving with the Rotary Foundation of DC.

Disaster Relief

In the face of adversity, we stand resilient. Our dedicated fund for disaster relief aims to offer immediate help to those affected by natural and/or man-made disasters, both domestically and internationally. This grant signifies our commitment to recovery, renewal, and resilience in disaster-affected areas, fostering a faster return to normalcy.
Disaster Relief DC | Rotary Club Foundation of DC